Lecture 19: Ireland and Europe in the Asian Century

2015/11/20 13:35:41

Lecture 19: Ireland and Europe in the Asian Century                          Nov . 20 . 2015

演讲人Guest speaker:

Professor Dan O'Brien

Chief Economist at the Institute of International and European Affairs, Ireland's leading foreign affairs think tank


13:30-15:00, Nov. 26(Thursday)


R3005, Xin Jian BLDG


Profound changes are taking place in the global economy. A shift eastwards in the centre of economic gravity, a long term deceleration in growth in most advanced economies and a more recent trend towards deflation in many countries are among the most challenging changes. Dan O’Brien will explore the nature of these changes and what opportunities and challenges they present for Ireland, Europe and Asia.

Europe faces particular challenges internally and externally. Among them is a very imperfect currency union which made managing the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2008-2009 more difficult. Although the crisis of the euro is not definitively over, some steps which have been taken to address the currency’s design flaws and this has contributed to the recovery since 2013.

Ireland's strong recovery is among the best examples of a euro area economy overcoming the challenges posed by membership of the single currency. Since 2012, momentum in the Irish economy has widened from the export sector into the domestic economy. As of the second half of 2015, almost every available indicator points to strong and/or strengthening momentum. The nature of this recovery will be explored, along with the underlying strengths and weakness in the Irish economy.

In conclusion Mr O’Brien will briefly discuss the implications of two of Europe’s other most pressing challenges – migration and Britain’s relationship with the EU.


Dan O'Brien is Chief Economist at the Institute of International and European Affairs, Ireland's leading foreign affairs think tank. He is also Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin and a columnist and economics analyst for Ireland's largest media organisation, Independent Newspaper Group.

Dan has spent most of his career to date as senior economist and editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit, an arm of The Economist Newspaper Group. Working from London and Geneva over a dozen years, he covered the economics and politics of the European Union and its member states. Dan has also been economics editor of the Irish Times, where he analysed and commented on a wide range of Irish and European issues. Other organisations for which he has worked include the European Commission, the United Nations and Forfás, an Irish Government policy unit.

During his career, in which he has lived and worked in seven European countries, Dan has commented frequently in the international media, for broadcasters such as CNN and the BBC and in print, for newspapers such as the International Herald Tribune and the Financial Times. His book "Ireland, Europe and the World: Writings on a New Century" was published in October 2009.
