2020/3/28 20:35:22



Assistant Professor

Master Supervisor

Research Areas:
The Deveopmental State, Idustrial Policy, Comparative Political Economy, Chinese Political Economy

Contact details:
E-mail: mcdull_chenwei@163.com
Address: Room 119 , Xin Jian Bldg, No. 1954 Hua Shan Road, Xujiahui, Shanghai 200030, P. R. C


Wei Chen was born in Jiangsu Wuxi. She got her Ph.D. in Economics from SHUFE in 2016. She worked in School of Social and Public Administration of East China University of Science and Technology from 2016-2019. From 2019, she is an assistant profess in SIPA of SJTU. Her research interests include the developmental state, comparative political economy and Chinses Political Economy. She is interested in the issues such as (1) what could government do to facilitate the economic development for the latecomers, (2) the different mechanisms of government-led and market-led approaches in different development stages, (3) China’s government-business relations and the effects of strategic industrial policy.

Graduate institution:

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 

Selected courses:

Public Economics

Selected publications:  

2. Chen, Wei & Shu Keng, 2019, “Economic Integration, Interest Perception and Political Positions: A Dynamic Model of the Attitudes of the Taiwanese towards Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges, 2004-2016,” Taiwan Research Journal (CSSCI), 2019, No. 2, pp. 1-12. (in Chinese)
3. Chen, Wei, 2019, “Three Great Debates over the Necessity and Efficacy of State Intervention: A Review of the Developmental State Literature,” Journal of Public Administration (CSSCI),  No. 1, pp. 55-71. (in Chinese)
4. Xiao, Lina & Wei Chen, 2019, “Towards a Shared Development oriented Country: Re-surpassing the Chinese style Development Path in the New Era,” Hebei Academic Journal (CSSCI), Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 186-191. (in Chinese)
5. Chen, Wei & Shu Keng, 2017, “Developmental State and the Stages of Development: An Neo-Institutionalist Analysis of the Strategies of Economic Development,” CASS Journal of Political Science (CSSCI/Top Journal in Political Science), 2017, No.6, pp. 103-114. (in Chinese)
6. Chen, Wei, Lingna Zhong & Shu Keng, 2017, “Competing Paradigms of Institutional Change: Rationality vs. Power in North’s Structure and Change in Economic History,” Journal of Social Development (CSSCI Extended), 2017, No.4, pp. 227-236. (in Chinese)
7. Chen, Wei, 2017, “Comparative Institutional Advantages and Divergent Industrial Structures: An Analysis of the Industrial Structures of China and India” Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)(CSSCI), 2017, No.5, pp. 35-48. (in Chinese)
8. Chen, Wei & Shu Keng, 2017, “The Chinese Developmental State in Transition: In Light of the East Asian Experiences,” Journal of Chinese Governance, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 209-222, also collected in The Palgrave Handbook of Local Governance in Contemporary China, edited by Jianxing Yu and Sujian Guo, 2019, Springer/ Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 179-193.
9. Chen, Wei & Shu Keng, 2017, “Rise and Fall of the Developmental State: State Capacity, Industrial Policy and the Stages of Development,” Comparative Economic & Social Systems (CSSCI), 2017, No.2, pp.1-13. (in Chinese)
10. Keng, Shu & Wei Chen, 2017, “What caused “middle-income trap”? factor shortage or Institution drawback” Tianjin Social Sciences (CSSCI),2017, No. 2, pp. 84-89. (in Chinese)
11. Keng, Shu & Wei Chen, 2017, “The Implications of the Development State Model and Its Rise and Decline to the Future Course of China’s Transition,” Journal of East China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences)(CSSCI), 2017, No. 1, pp. 16-20. (in Chinese)
12. Zhong, Lingna, Shu Keng & Wei Chen, “Sorting and Incentives: Why Do We Need More Thresholds in China's Government Hierarchies,” Journal of Public Administration (CSSCI), 2017, No.5, pp. 126-144. (in Chinese)
