SIPA Media and GPR Class Made Its Field Visit

2019/4/11 16:22:19

On Wednesday April 3rd, Media and Government Public Relations in China class taught by Prof. ZHENG Hua has made its first field trip. We visited several sights in Xujiahui district and took a look at the history of Xuhui, Shanghai and China. 

Our first destination was Xujiahui Library or Bibliotheca Zi Ka Wei. Even before entering inside, this 150 years old building stole our hearts with its beautiful architecture and garden. There, we had a chance to take a look at pre-liberation foreign languages books and newspapers. Since most of the explanations were in Chinese, our Professor Ms. Zheng did the curtesy to translate and explain them to us. 

After the library, we took our road for Xu Guangqi Memorial Hall. When we arrived there, we could not resist beautiful flowers of Guangqi Park and took a small pose before entering the Hall. Besides its perfects selfie/photo spots, Guanqi Park gave as the opportunity to observe the early morning routine of elder Shanghainese. Xu Guanqi Memorial Hall had a cozy atmosphere with a combination of glass and wooden elements of design. But wait! There was more than that! There, Xu Guangqi, a 16th Century Chinese scholar, mathematician, agricultural, scientist, astronomer, bureaucrat and Catholic convert under Ming dynasty was introduced to us. We discovered that he played a role for translation of several Western mathematic texts including Euclid’s Elements. After Xu Guangqi Memorial Hall we continued our little journey for T’ou Sè – Wè Museum. The museum is the sole surviving building of the T’ou Sè – Wè Orphanage complex which was built in 1864 by the Jesuits. The Museum has a big collection of wood carving, sculpting and painting works which was made by the orphans who used to live there. We also learnt that T’ou Sè – Wè Orphanage played an important role on raising some of the most important Chinese artist and contributed to the development of press techniques in China. 

Finally, after the Museum we went our final destination--- Shanghai Film Museum. There, our Professor introduced us some of the most important works of Modern Chinese Cinema, explained us different cinematic trends through 20th Century and showed us several movie posters and magazines from different decades. Later we dived into the production side of movies and tried making dubbing and sound effects. We finalized our trip with a group photo and left with some fun memories and lots of information.

For the curious readers who wants to visit these spots: Xujiahui Library is on No.80 Caoxi North Road, Guangqi Park and Memorial Hall is on No.17 Nandan Road,  T’ou Sè – Wè Museum is on No.55-1 Puhuitang Road and Shanghai Film Museum is on No.595 Caoxi North Road. 

                                                                                                                               written by: ZEYNEP SIMGE  OZGULEC
