ESADE Law School | 2021/2022 Nominations

2021/3/25 10:08:09

Nominations due: 22 June 2021

We are pleased to inform you that from March 15 we are ready to accept nominations for the 2021/22 academic year. We look forward to receiving your students next 2021/2022, always subject to the evolution of the Covid-19 outbreak and the instructions received from our school and the Spanish Health Authorities.

After this, ESADE Registrar’s Office will validate your online nominations and your students will receive a welcome mail with relevant information about the program: ESADE Fact Sheet; username & password to access MyESADE and our Moodle platform as well as guidelines to complete their application process.

Please, be aware that ESADE acceptance letters will be issued and sent after completion by your nominees of their application process.

