2021/11/17 14:40:24




PHD supervisor

MA supervisor 

Research Areas:
Urban development, urban governance, housing policy, real estate market

Contact details:
E-mail: chenjie100@sjtu.edu.cn
Address: Room 258, Xin Jian Bldg, No. 1954 Hua Shan Road, Xujiahui, Shanghai 200030, P. R. C


Professor Jie Chen is the Director of Centre for Housing and Urban-Rural Development (CHURD), a tenured full professor at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), and K. Wah Professor at China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He got PhD in economics from Uppsala University. He used to work as faculty at Uppsala University, Fudan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. His research area is urban and housing-related studies.

Graduate institution:

Uppsala University

Selected courses:

Microeonomics, public policy

Selected publications:  

His publications have appeared on Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Urban Studies, Land Use Policy, Regional Science and Urban Economics,Sustainable Cities and Society, Cites, Habitat International, Housing Studies, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Small Business Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, Social Science Quarterly, Annals of Regional Science, Journal of Contemporary China and other international peer-review journals. 

Expertise & public engagement:

He is on Trustee Board of Urban Studies (SSCI) Foundation, and on the editorial Board of Housing Studies (SSCI) and International Journal of Housing Policy (SSCI). He is also vice Chairman of China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents, a steering member of Asia-Pacific Network of Housing Research (APNHR) and a board member of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES). Professor Chen has received several national-level research grants including one NSFC-ESRC joint funding. He serves as an active policy advisor for China’s central and local governments and is a member of the consulting expert commission of China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD). He has also worked as senior consultant for many international organizations including World Bank and Asia Development Bank.
