Yifei HOU

2023/10/23 14:55:54

Yifei HOU

Assistant Professor

MA supervisor

Research Areas:

Aging and the Life Course; Family Caregiving, Child Development; Gender; Family Relationships and Well-Being; Comparative Perspectives; 

Parental Differential Treatment of Children

Contact details:

Graduate institution:

Purdue University


Yifei Hou is an Assistant Professor in the School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She received a dual-title Ph.D. in Sociology and Gerontology from Purdue University. Her research focuses on the inter-linked lives of family members in middle and later life, which takes comparative, life course, and within-family differences perspectives. Her work has appeared in top international journals including the Journal of Marriage and Family, Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, and Research on Aging. She has received several national and international educational and research awards. In 2022, she was featured as the“Emerging Scholar”by the Section on Aging & the life course of the American Sociological Association.

Selected courses:

Introductory Sociology, Social Problems, Family Sociology

Selected publications:

Peer-reviewed journal articles
Hou, Yifei, and J. Jill Suitor. 2023 “Childhood Parental Differential Treatment and Chinese Adults’ Psychological Well-Being: The Moderating Effect of Gender. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbad138 (SSCI Q1, IF 6.2)

Hou, Yifei,  J. Jill, Suitor, and Megan Gilligan. 2022. “Intergenerational Transmission of Relationship Quality in Later Life Families.” Journal of Marriage and Family. http://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12884 (SSCI Q1, IF 6.0)

Hou, Yifei, Marissa Rurka, Siyun Peng. 2021. “New Structure, Traditional Essence: Patterns of Helping Non-Coresident Parents by Own and Sibling(s)’ Gender in China.” Research on Aging 44: 215-226. http://doi.org/10.1177/01640275211018814 (SSCI Q2, IF 3.0)

Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Reilly Kincaid, Yifei Hou, Catherine Stepniak, Siyun Peng. 2021. “How Widowhood and Gender Shape the Impact of Maternal Favoritism on Adult Children’s Psychologic al Well-Being.” Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 77 (1): 224-236. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbab120 (SSCI Q1, IF 6.2)

Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Marissa Rurka, and Yifei Hou. 2019. “Role of Shared Perceptions of Maternal Favoritism in Sibling Networks in Adult Children’s Depressive Symptoms: A Within-Family Network Approach.” Network Science:1-19. https://doi.org/ 10.1017/nws.2019.31 (ESCI, Q2)

Expertise & public engagement:

Gerontological Society of America
American Sociological Association (Section memberships: Family, Aging and the Life Course)
International Chinese Sociological Association
Chinese Sociological Association

Served as a reviewer for:
Journal of Marriage and Family, Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, The Gerontologist, Research on Aging, Chinese Sociological Review, Sociological Review of China (社会学评论)
