China's Politics and Economy Master's Program  (Master in Politics, English-taught program)

The two-year China’s Politics and Economy MA (CPE) program is geared towards students seeking to enrich their understanding of contemporary China. Students in the program develop the ability to analyze China’s domestic and foreign politics, economy, and society from both comparative and international theoretical and policy perspectives. CPE students not only acquire tremendous conceptual and factual knowledge, but also develop the functional skills needed to pursue China-related careers in business, government, and non-governmental organizations.

In 2013, the CPE program welcomed 20 students from 15 different countries (primarily Eurpe and the US) with diverse educational and work backgrounds. As part of the CPE program, these students had the opportunity to attend many international meetings and symposiums pertaining to China as well as to hear from leading global experts on a variety of China-related topics.

Each year, the CPE program plans to offer 4-8 full scholarships (Chinese Government Scholarship and Shanghai Government Scholarship A type) which support tuition and housing and 2-5 partial scholarships (Shanghai Government Scholarship B type) which support tuition. For self-fund students, the school will offer different kinds of scholarship to support the second year of study. In 2012, 14 of our 21 CPE students won full or partial scholarships. In May 2013, 2 of the 7 self-fund students won Excellent Foreign Self-fund Student’s Scholarship.


Public Policy Master’s Program (Master of Public Administration, English-taught program)

Master of China's Public Policy (MCPP) is a global academic program that is offered by School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) to fresh university graduates and experienced professional. The course mainly focuses on the principles of public administration, public policy management and its implementation. The course is taught by experienced professionals. The learning takes place under an instructional framework, where theory is paired with seminars, contemporary case studies and discussion sessions.

The program affords a distinct advantage to the aspiring practitioners and researchers alike, by enhancing their professional skills, familiarizing them with a public manager’s challenges. During the coursework, the students will polish their analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills. The program enables the students to assume effective leadership roles in the society.


Public Administration Doctor’s Program (Ph.D. Program of Public Administration, English-taught program)

This program is open to fresh university graduates as well as the experienced professionals and the government officials from different countries, and is designed to train those students in the field of public affairs, public administration, and public policy.

The program aims to

■ provide students with an opportunity to develop functional expertise, strategic perspectives, and public policy management tools that they require to operate effectively in a changing public policy environment or to understand such an environment.

■ introduce students the techniques of policy analysis and program evaluation to resolve complex multi-dimensional policy challenges, as well as sharpen their leadership and communication skills.
