Jialiang XU

2020/1/7 15:36:41


Jialiang XU


PHD supervisor

MA supervisor

Research Areas:

Local governance; Social organization; Philanthropy; Social innovation

Contact details:

Email: xujial@sjtu.edu.cn; xujial@263.net

Telephone: +86 21-62932258


Professor Xu Jialiang is a Distinguished Professor at School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Currently he serves as the Dean of the Institute for Philanthropy Development as well as a researcher of the China Institute for Urban Governance. He is also the Chief Editor of China Third Sector Research (CSSCI Journal), the Chair of Social Organization and Social Construction Study Base licensed by Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Expert Committee Member of China Association of Non-Profit Organization, and the Member of China Social Organization Evaluation Commission. 
Prior to joining SJTU in 2010, Professor Xu used to work at Department of Politics and Public Administration, Zhejiang University and Department of Public Administration, Beijing Normal University. He received his Doctor Degree from School of Government, Peking University, and has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and National Chengchi University (Taiwan). 

Graduate institution:

Peking University 

Selected courses:

Undergraduates: Nongovernment and Nonprofit Organization
Graduates: Nonprofit Organizations Studies; Civil Society and the Third Sector; Contemporary Public Administration Theories

Selected publications:  


Xu Jialiang et al., Research on Innovative Development of Shanghai’s Social Organizations after the Reform and Opening Up, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2018. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang et al., Research on Chinese Social Organization Construction in the New Era, China Social Science Press, 2016. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang, Mutual Benefit Organization: Research on Industry Associations in China, Beijing Normal University Press, 2010. (in Chinese)

Journal Articles
Xu, Jialiang and Zhang Sheng.  "Contact,Conflict and Adjustment:Multiple Institutional Logic in the Practice of Charitable Trust," Chinese Public Administration, 427, 2021: 59-65. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang and Peng Lei, "Operation Strategy,Population Relations and Ecological Niche: A New Framework for Analyzing the Living Space of Charity Store," Chinese Public Administration, 413, 2019: 104-110. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang and Zhang Qiwei, "The Autonomy Generative Mechanism of Voluntary Association under Local Governance Context: A Case Study of Association C in Province D," Management World, 35 (8), 2019: 110-120. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang, Zhang Qiwei and Wang Xiaohan, "Understanding the Role and Dilemma of Charity Store from a Polycentric Governance Perspective: The S-City Case Study," Chinese Public Administration, 390, 2017: 54-59. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang, "A Few Questions Regarding the Institutionalization of Public Procurement on Social Organization Service," Journal of Chinese Academy of Governance, 2016 (1): 68-72. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang and Zhao Ting, "Research on the Evaluation Mechanism of Public Procurement of Public Services," CASS Journal of Political Science, 2013 (5): 87-92. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang and Zhao Ting, "The Realistic Dilemma and Path Innovation of Government’s Purchase Public Service from Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Shanghai," Chinese Public Administration, 334, 2013: 26-30. (in Chinese)

Edited Books
Xu Jialiang and Zhao Wenpin (eds.), The Big Picture of Philanthropy in the New Era: Charities’ Participation in Fight Against Poverty, China Society Press, 2019. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang (ed.) Annual Report on Social Organizations Evaluation in China (2018), Social Science Academic Press (China), 2018. (in Chinese)
Xu Jialiang (ed.) Annual Report on Social Think Tanks in China (2018), Social Science Academic Press (China), 2018. (in Chinese)

Expertise & public engagement:

Chair of Social Organization and Social Construction Study Base licensed by Ministry of Civil Affairs
Director General of Shanghai Yantze River Delta Social Organization Service Center
The Expert Committee Member of China Association of Non-Profit Organization
The Member of China Social Organization Evaluation Commission 
