2020/1/7 15:38:33




PHD supervisor

Master supervisor

Research area:

national security and anti-terrorism, public security and risk management, 

public crisis and emergency management, 

urban computing and risk control intelligence, 

urban resilience and geographical crime, 

security management science and security engineering

Contact details:
E-mail: liuxia@sjtu.edu.cn
Address: Room 332, Xin Jian Bldg, No. 1954 Hua Shan Road, Xujiahui, Shanghai 200030, P. R. C


Her research interests center on the population dynamcis, including fertilty ,migration, mortality. She obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology  in Canada and my B.A.and M.A. In Economics in China. Jiangqin Du joined SIPA in 2013 and acted as a visiting scholar in Harvard from 2018-2020.Professor Selina Liu is a leading expert and scholar in domain which is national security & public safety or public crisis emergency risk management and global geopolitical security. Professor Selina Liu currently is the director of Public Safety Academy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, She currently is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of International and Public Affairs, as well as a professor and doctoral supervisor of management science and engineering in the Antai College of Economics and Management.Professor Selina Liu is a research follow of China Urban Governance Research Institute.Shanghai Jiao Tong University recruited Professor Selina Liu in 2005 as outstanding academy leader of its inaugural global program for national security and crisis management science.

Graduate institution:


Selected publications:  

《Strategic Research on National Political Security Risks in the New Era》(2019), research report on《Spatial and Temporal Differentiation of Non-traditional Security Risks in Xiong'an New Area 》(2018) ,Research Report on《Countermeasures for Social Neighborhood Risk Management of Major Urban Infrastructure Projects》(2018), Research Report on《Risk Theory and Method for Unconventional Emergency Management》(2017),92 keynote speeches and exchange papers of international and domestic academic conferences, nearly 100 academic papers CSSCI and representative papers such as "New Features and New Trends of International Tterrorist Activities" "The Social Coordination Mechanism of Major Group Events in China", "The Construction of One Aase Three Systems of Emergency Management in China: Challenges and Reconstruction", "Dynamic Emergency Group Decision-making for Unconventional Emergencies:" scenario contingency "paradigm" were published in China Soft Science, Management Science, Political Science Research and other first-class academic journals, and were full-text reprinted by Xinhua digest, She has published 10 academic monographs with a total of nearly 5 million words, including《Resilience Emergency》(2019),《Public Crisis Management》(2011),《Risk Decision-making: Process, Psychology and Culture》(1998), and 7 world-famous books.

Expertise & public engagement:

Professor Selina Liu currently is the president of the Shanghai Seeder Public Strategy Academy of Science and Technology SEEDER,and the Chairman of Seeder Children United Protection Foundation of U.S.A. Professor Selina Liu currently is the co-leading official of the international cooperative program with RAND, the co-leading official of the cooperative program with the START(the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to the Terrorism in American), the co-leading official of the cooperative program with the HVRI(Hazards & Vulnerability Research Institute of South Carolina University in America), the co-leading official of the cooperative program with the DRC(Disaster Research Centre of Delaware University),the co-leading official of the cooperative program with the South-Asia program of Hopkins University.Professor Selina Liu serves as principal investigator for a key research project on anti-terrorism funded by the Chinese National Academy of Sciences.She is as an advisor for the Shanghai Municipal Committee and Government Emergency Strategic Planning and Policy Task Force, the Principal Investigator for Shanghai Municipality Key Policy Initiative, a Committee Member in the Shanghai Association for Disaster Prevention, a Committee Member of the Local Government Administrative Academy. Her advisory work includes key roles for the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, principal investigator fo China National Social Science Fund,the State Council Emergency Management Committee, the Provincial-Municipality Social Sciences Academy Project, the Ministry of Education Emergency Management Project, Shanghai Municipal Government Key Policy Consultant, China-Swiss Transnational Crisis Research Project, and leader of numerous international exchange projects. Professor LiuXia is a part-time professor of the Public Crisis Research Centre of Tsinghua University.She is editor-in-chief for “Modern Management” (Hans Publishers) and a long-time commentator on public policy and current events for leading media outlets. Professor Selina Liu is the Founder of the Shanghai Seeder Public Strategy Academy of Science and Technology SEEDER which is independent legal institution, and she is the Founder of theAmerican Seeder branch and the Seeder Children United Protection Foundation of U.S.A.SEEDER is a global intelligence think tank and reconnaissance bureau providing research, analysis, consulting, training and decision-making assistant systems to help clients of all kinds monitor, detect and interpret change in their risk business environment. Professor Selina Liu is the Founder of the Seeder America Branch and the Founder of Seeder Children United Protection Foundation & Society of U.S.A.
