Jiangqin DU

2020/1/7 16:56:40


Jiangqin DU

Assistant Professor

Master supervisor

Research Areas:
Demogrpahic Dynamics, Fertility, Population Health, Migration and Sociolgoy of Gender and Work 

Contact details:
Email: jiangqindu@sjtu.edu.cn


Her research interests center on the population dynamcis, including fertilty ,migration, mortality. She obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology  in Canada and my B.A.and M.A. In Economics in China. Jiangqin Du joined SIPA in 2013 and acted as a visiting scholar in Harvard from 2018-2020.

Graduate institution:

Western University, Canada (Ph.D.) 

Selected courses:

"China's Population and Social Policies" "Sociolgy of Family"  "Research Methods in Social Science" "Introduciton to Statistics for Social Science" "Women and Work Health" 

Selected publications:  

"Beaujot, Roderic, Ching Jiangqin Du & Zenaida Ravanera. 2013. “Family Policies in Quebec and The Rest of Canada: Implications for Fertility, Child Care, Women’s Paid Work and Child Development Indicators”. Journal of Canadian Public Policy. 39(2): 221-239.      

Richards, Judy-Lynn, Susan Sverdrup-Phillips, Ching Jiangqin Du, Heather Maddocks, Jennifer Brooks, Heather Spiegel. 2008. “Social Inclusion of the Oldest-Old: Toward Supportive Housing Policies”. HRSDC Project of Strategic Cluster on Family and Population Change.   "

Expertise & public engagement:

Canadian Poplation Society 
