Yingfang CHEN

2020/1/7 17:07:58


CHEN Yingfang


PhD supervisor

Master supervisor

Research Areas:
Urban sociology, Study of social transformation, China Studies

Contact details:

School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai 200030

Email: chenfy@sjtu.edu.cn  

Tel: 0086-21-62933096 (O); 0086-21-52300829(H)


2011-now Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, SJTU Department head (2012-2016)
2003–2011 Professor, Sociology Department, East China Normal University Department head (2001-2009)
1999-2003 Associate professor, Sociology Department, East China Normal University
1987–1992 Lecturer ,East China University of Politics and Law
1982–1984 Teaching Assistant, History Department, Su Zhou University
1992–1994 Visiting Scholar, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University

Graduate institution:

Osaka City University

Selected courses:

Social Studies: Transitional China, Sociology and Human Studies, Research for urban problem

Selected publications:  

“How large has the gate of Chinese hukou system been opened? —managing and controlling the exploding metropolis”(Li, L.M., Li, S.M. and Chen,Y.F) ,Occasional Paper Series,No.95,2009.
“Better City, Better Life, But for Whom? The hukou and resident card system and the consequential citizenship stratification in Shanghai”,( Li, L.M., Li, S.M. and Chen,Y.F). City, Culture, and Society, Vol 1, Issue 3, September 2010.
“Shanghai Speed”:The development system and urban dwellers’ experiences,<Development-Induced Displacement in India and China>,edited by Florence Padovani, foreword essay by Michael M.Cernea, London: Lexingdon Books,2016.
“Proteggere il giardino di casa”. La mobilitazione delle risorse morali nei movimenti urbani, a cura di Wang Xiaoming <Citta senza limiti: studi culturali sull’ urbanizzazione cinese>,Cafoscarina, 2016.
“Sistema sotsial'nykh garantii' v Kitae (Система социальных гарантий в Китае)”,Svobodnaia mysl', No. 10, October 2011.

Expertise & public engagement:

Chief Editor of <Urban Governance Research>, SJTU (2016-now)
Member of the degree committee of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, SJTU.(2014-now)
Member of the academic committee of SIPA, SJTU. (2014-now)
Vice-president of China-Japan Sociology Committee, Chinese Sociological Association. (2016-now)
