Shu FU

2023/10/13 17:26:01


Shu FU

Assistant Professor

Research Areas:
American Politics, China-US relations, Quantitative Methods

Contact details:

Graduate institution:

The University of Chicago


Shu Fu specializes in American Politics and Political Methodology, using text-as-data methods and statistical models to study the performance of American political institutions. In specific, his research interests include American presidency, executive-legislative relations, China-US relations, causal inference and text-as-data methods. To date, his work has been published in Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, twice in Presidential Studies Quarterly, and World Economics and Politics.

Prior to Shanghai, he was a Teaching Fellow at Department of Political Science and the College in the University of Chicago. He completed his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Chicago in 2021, and earned a B.A. and an M.A. from the Department of International Relations at Tsinghua University.

Selected courses:

American Elections, American Presidency, Social Science Inquiry

Selected publications:

1. Shu Fu and William G. Howell. 2023. “The Filibuster and Legislative Discussion.” Journal of Politics 85 (4): 1575–1580.
2. Shu Fu. 2023. “Particularism or Policy? When Distributive Outlays Flow to the President’s Core Voters.” Political Research Quarterly 67 (3): 1134–1150. 
3. Shu Fu and Meg Savel. 2020. “Policy without Partisanship: The Direct Appeals of First Ladies.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 50 (4): 736–761. 
4. Shu Fu and William G. Howell. 2020. “The Behavioral Consequences of Public Appeals: Evidence on Campaign Fundraising from the 2018 Congressional Elections.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 50 (2): 325–347. 
