2023/10/13 18:03:02



Assistant Professor

MA supervisor

Research Areas:
Antitrust & Competition Policy
Corporate Governance 
East Asian Economic Regionalism
Social Sciences Research Methods

Contact details:

Graduate institution:

Seoul National University


Long Piao is an Assistant Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research topics encompass both economics and public policy, especially in the evolution of Chinese economy policy. Recent scholarly articles have appeared (inter alia) in the Public Policy Review, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Asian Survey and The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis. Dr. Piao received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from Seoul National University in 2019.

Selected courses:

Policy Evaluation, Social Sciences Research Methods

Selected publications:

2023. How Japan Stabilizes for Anti-U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa: Evolving Compensation Policies during the Futenma Relocation Process, Armed Forces & Society (Corresponding author. SSCI) 
2023. China in 2022: Political Power, Zero-COVID Policy, and Economic Slump. Asian Survey(Solo. SSCI)
2023. Essential Factors of Stabilizing the U.S. Military Base Politics in Okinawa: An Application of Q Methodology, Pacific Focus (Corresponding author. SSCI) 
2023. The Impact of Public-Private Funds on Technological Innovation in Japan: With a focus on the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ) Dongjiang Journal. (in Chinese)(Solo. CSSCI)forthcoming
日本官民合作基金支持科技创新的经验与启示——以产业革新机构为例, 东疆学刊
2023. Political Uncertainty and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the Chinese Private Companies, Journal of Asian and African Studies(First author. SSCI)DOI:10.1177/00219096221144693
2023. The Effect of the Chinese Government’s Political Propaganda and Individual Characteristics of Anti-U.S. Sentiment, Asian Survey, (First author. SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1525/as.2023.1808498
2022. A Q-Methodology Analysis of Chinese Policy Makers’ Perceptions of China’s Foreign Policy Decision-Making Process concerning South Korea’s THAAD Deployment, Korea Observer, 53(4), 573-592(First author. SSCI)
2022. Taking Charge of the Those Taking Charge: How the Taking-Charge Behavior of Grassroots Leading Cadres Trickles Down. China Public Administration Review, 4(2), 43-70 (in Chinese)(Corresponding author. CSSCI)
为担当者担当:基层领导干部担当作为的“涓滴效应”研究, 公共管理评论
2022. Political stability and relocation of U.S. military bases in Okinawa: A case study based on in-depth interviews, Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 34(3), 475-492(Corresponding author. SSCI)
2021. The Effect of the Xi Jinping Administration’s Anticorruption Campaign on the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises. Asian Survey, 61(5), 711-741(First author. SSCI)
获得欧洲权威的媒体—《Le Monde》(世界报)的全文转载,该文以实证方式检验了习总书记的反腐政策对提升国有企业绩效的影响机理,有力驳斥了西方学者长期主张的“亚洲悖论(Asian Paradox)”。并且,该文也获得日本Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS)等智库的高度关注和全文转载。
This article was initially published in French in Le Monde newspaper on 14. January 2022, as part of a series of monthly columns on Asian economies. The original article can be found here: https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2022/01/14/l-efficacite-de-la-lutte-anticorruption-en-chine_6109525_3232.html
2020. Political Connections and Privatized Enterprises Investment. Public Policy Review, 34(4), 51-73. (in Korean)(First author. KCI)
중국 상장 민영기업의 정치관련성이 기업투자에 미친 영향: ‘국진민퇴’의 국가전략을 중심으로. 국가정책연구
2020. Political Connections and Performance in State-Owned Enterprises: Xi’s Anticorruption Policy Matters. Korean Journal of Public Administration, 58(3), 153-174. (in Korean) (First author. KCI)
중국 상장 국유기업의 정치관련성이 기업성과에 미친 영향: 시진핑 정부의 반부패 정책효과를 중심으로. 행정논총
2020. Political Factors and State-Owned Enterprises Tax Burden: Evidence from China. The Journal of Modern China Studies, 22(2), 111-141. (in Korean)(First author. KCI)
정치적 요인이 중국 상장 국유기업 세금부담에 미친 영향. 현대중국연구
2019. The Effects of Political Factors on Chinese Local Governments’ Science and Technology Budget Expenditure: Focusing on the Characteristics of Party Committee Secretaries and Public Corruption. Korean Journal of Social Science, 46(2), 175-192(First author. KCI)
2019. Chinese Local Governments’ Science and Technology Budget Expenditure: Determinants and Regional Disparities. Journal of China Studies, 22(3), 23-45(First author. KCI)
2019. Political Uncertainty and Its Effects on Local Fixed Asset Investments in China: Static and Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. The Journal of Modern China Studies, 20(4), 159-199(First author. KCI)

Expertise & public engagement:

2021 – Present     Editorial Board     Asian Survey (SSCI)
2022 – Present     Editorial Board     Pacific Focus (SSCI)
