2018 Global Chinese Urban Governance Conferences held at SJTU

2018/6/12 16:05:21

On the 40th anniversary of reform, to summarize and reflect on the experiences and lessons of urban governance in China, and to provide Chinese scholars with insights, conferences were held at SJTU.  On June 11 and 12, China Institute of Urban Governance and SIPA of SJTU, Zhou Enlai School of Government Nankai University, Institute of Urban and Regional Economics of Nankai University, HKUST Institute for Public Policy and Chinese Society of Public Management of the United States and America, CO sponsored the first Global Chinese Urban Governance Conferences at Xuhui campus of SJTU. Nearly 30 cities, more than 70 well-known universities and research institutions of more than 180 experts and scholars, from the United States, Australia, France, Japan, Singapore, Mainland China, Hongkong and Macao representatives attended events.


Professor Wu Jiannan, the Director of Liberal Arts Department of SJTU and Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Urban Governance, Liu Yang form Chinese America Public Management Association, Wu Xun ,Director of the Department of Public Policy at the Hong Kong University Science & Technology, and Sun Tao, President of Nankai University, gave a welcome speech. The opening ceremony was presided over by Jiang Wenning, Secretary Party Committee of SIPA and Secretary Party committee of China Urban Governance Research Institute.
