Information Session: USC Sol Price School of Public Policy

2017/9/30 9:18:51

USC Sol Price School of Public Policy

Information Session

@ Shanghai Jiao Tong University

美国南加州大学Sol Price公共政策学院


Dear Faculty and Students,

The University of Southern California warmly invites you to participate in USC Sol Price Schoolof Public Policy Information Session. According to the 2017U.S. News & World Report, the University of Southern California ranks 21 nationwide among the national Universities. The Sol Price School ranks4 nationwide among “America’s Best Graduate Schools” for public affairs. We provide 7 Master-level programsin our school –Public Policy, Global Public Policy,Public Administration, Urban Planning, Dollinger Real Estate Development, Nonprofit Leadership and Management and Health Administration. The doctoral programs even allow a select group of students to work closely with faculty on important areas of research and scholarly inquiry.If you are interested in USC Sol Price School, please join us in this exciting event!

We look forward to your participation in following date and location:

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Time: 2: 00 PM - 3: 00 PM

Location: 210 Engineering Building(机械楼), Jiao Tong University

Address: 125 Huai Hai Road West, Shanghai, 200030

RSVP Required, please click the following link:




美国南加州大学诚挚邀请您参加南加大Sol Price公共政策学院交通大学宣讲会。根据2017年美国新闻和世界刊物排名,南加州大学在全美大学综合排名第二十一,Sol Price公共政策学院在全美各大公共事业管理学院中排名第四。Sol Price学院向学生提供七个硕士项目:公共政策、国际公共政策、公共管理、城市规划、房地产开发、非盈利性组织领导和管理以及卫生政策和管理。对于攻读博士项目的学生,学校还会有选择性地向部分学生提供与相关重要领域的学者共同进行学术研究的工作实践机会。如果您对申请南加州大学Sol Price公共政策学院感兴趣,我们十分热忱地欢迎您的到来。








University of Southern California 美国南加州大学


If you have any questions, please contact USC Shanghai Office: or +86 21 6137 5380

如果您有任何疑问,请咨询美国南加州大学上海办事处 或 +86 21 6137 5380
