SIPA Student Committee Takes Students to Swedish Career Fair

2015/4/20 10:14:44

Over the Weekend the newly organised SIPA Student Committee (SIPASC) organised their first trip/event to the Swedish Chamber Career Expo.15 SJTU students attended this SIPASC event at the Four Seasons for a 2 hour Career Expo where they could learn about and speak with different Swedish companies. A total of 22 companies had set up a variety of booths offering various give-aways and contact cards. The event was a great opportunity for SJTU students to expand their professional network as well as discover potential opportunities for internships or future employment.

There were a vairety of people  both foreign and Chinese from different universities and companies around China. Some students were even asked to be photographed with other partipants. The mix of attendees gave the students a chance to expand their personal network and meet locals students and proffsionals in the same situation as themselves.

All in all, the SIPASC, hopes to facilitate and expose more events like the Career Expo to our fellow students in the future so that they can expand their network and potentially find various opportunities to further their career while in China.
