Proposal/Defense Schedule for 2015 Fall Semester

2015/8/6 13:32:36

Proposal/Defense Schedule for 2015 Fall Semester                                                   Aug . 06 . 2015

Proposal Defense: End of September

This semester we will have one proposal defense at end of September, students who would like to participate, pls hand in attachment 1&2 with your supervisor’s signature to me before Sept. 12, both soft and hard copy. 

Note: Students who have successfully finish 30 credits can apply to participate the proposal defense, otherwise the application will not be accepted. 


Thesis Defense: Middle of December

Students who have already passed the proposal defense should follow this timetable in order to participate the final defense:


Attachment 1: MA Research Proposal Submission Approval Form

Attachment 2: MA Degree Application Form

Attachment 3: Approval of Thesis Version 1

Attachment 4: Approval of Thesis Version 2

(All attachments could be seen at the Student Guild Book)
