Lecture 21: Employment and Welfare Policies for Persons with Disabilities in Chi

2017/11/7 13:41:58

Lecture 21: Employment and Welfare Policies for Persons with Disabilities in Chi                             Nov . 07 . 2017


Employment and Welfare Policies for Persons with Disabilities in China and Australia


时间:11月9日  下午1:30-4:00

Time:Nov.9th    13:30—16:00 pm


地点:上海交通大学徐汇校区 机械楼 210会议室

Meeting Room:  Room 210, Mechanical Building, Xuhui Campus, SJTU


主持: 章晓懿   上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院 教授

Host: Zhangxiaoyi  Professor, School of international and Public Affairs, SJTU




1. 互联网时代残疾人就业促进政策及其实践案例:一上海市为例

                                        刘立伟主任   上海市残疾人联合会


Employment Promotion Policies and Practice Cases of Disabled Persons under  the Internet economy: A Case Study of Shanghai

                             Liu Liwei, Director, Disabled People Federation of Shanghai


2. 澳大利亚的残疾人支持与就业政策

                             Karen Fisher 教授,新南威尔斯大学社会政策研究中心


Disability support and employment policy in Australia

Karen Fisher, Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW




Bingqin Li,   Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW

Haiqing Yu,  Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW

Fan Yang,   Assistant Professor, School of international and Public Affairs, SJTU

Yang Shen,  Assistant Professor, School of international and Public Affairs, SJTU                     
