Lecture 23: Changes of Modern Housing and Present Issues of Rental Housing in Ja

2018/3/20 13:46:02

Lecture 23: Changes of Modern Housing and Present Issues of Rental Housing in Ja            Mar . 20 . 2018

Speaker:Professor Tomohiko Yoshid, Ritsumeikan University (Japan)

Hosted by Professor Yu WANG

Time:(14:00—17:00, 2018.3.23 Friday)

Venue: R239, Xin Jian BLDG



   ·Traditional Town Houses 1935-1945

   ·Theory for Separation of Dining Room and Bedrooms

   ·Reconstruction from the Damage of World War II

   ·Farmers, Fishermen and Settlers Villages

   ·Houses by Coal Mine Company

   ·Rapid Urbanization and Sprawl Problems

   ·Slum and Squatter Settlements

   ·What is Categories of Housing in Japan?




   ·Member of Architectural Institute of Japan(AIJ), City Planning Institute of Japan(CPIJ), Association of Urban Housing Sciences(AUHS), Japan Association for Real Estates(JARES)

   ·Steering Committee, NPO Uzo Nishiyama Memorial Library

   ·Registered Architect, Japan

    Selected Papers

   ·Tomohiko Yoshida and Shun Watanabe, 'Characteristics of Householders Purchasing Owner-occupied Houses in China? Through a Comparative Analysis between Tokyo and Beijing?', International Seminar, ''MAKING SPACE FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIVING'', 18th August 2009, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

   ·Tomohiko Yoshida, Masaki Fujikawa, Deng Yi and Yusuke Koyama, 'Characteristics of House Removal and Transfer Programs in Historic Areas of Beijing Old City Determined by Analyses of Family Registration Data', Journal of China City Planning Review, 2007 Second Issue, pp.16-23

   ·Tomohiko Yoshida 'Comparative Analysis on Land Consolidation Projects between Indonesia and Japan', ''Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering'', vol. 2, no.2, November 2003 issue, pp.111-116

   ·Tomohiko YOSHIDA 'Emerging Problems of Housing Land Development in Tokyo Metropolitan Area -Based on Comparative Analysis between Japan and South Korea-' 2003June at Korean Research Institute of Human Settlement, Seoul Korea
