Lecture 39: Investment Cases for Disease Control Scale Up

2019/6/10 20:53:12

Topic: Investment Cases for Disease Control Scale Up -- the Example of National Hepatitis Elimination

Speaker: Professor Robert Hecht from Yale Universtiy

Time:  18:00-19:30 pm June 13th, 2019 

Venue: Room 239, Xinjian Building

Sign-up linkhttp://yhtlmv8l7hdf6cta.mikecrm.com/QKCK16z

Speaker bio: Dr. Hecht is a professor at the Yale School of Public Health, and a fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Concurrently, Dr. Robert Hecht is also the President of Pharos Global Health Advisors. He has more than 30 years of experience in global health, health policy and public policy, in senior management positions with the World Bank, UNAIDS, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and Results for Development. Rob is a widely recognized thought leader and policy analyst with a strong track record of advice to top decision makers and dozens of publications related to immunization, HIV, health financing, health sector reform.
