Lecture 37: Portable Innovation and Policy Wormholes: Theoretical Propositions a

2019/5/21 13:57:32

Topic: Portable Innovation and Policy Wormholes: Theoretical Propositions and Empirical Approaches 
Speaker: Hongtao Yi, Associate Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, the Ohio State University 
Host: Jiannan Wu, Professor, Executive Vice Director, China Institute for Urban Governance, Head, Division for Development of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
Time: 14:00-15:30, May 28th, 2019, Tuesday 
Venue: Room 239, Xinjian Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (No. 1954 Huashan Road) 
Sign-up link: http://gwj8asyqq141okck.mikecrm.com/VMU3otj 

This study explores the effects that city managers and their career paths have over the diffusion of climate policy innovation among provincial and municipal governments. Based on the Agent Network Diffusion (AND) model, we hypothesize that local climate policy innovations are portable along the career paths of the public managers/policy makers, and that cities may learn from distant jurisdictions to which they are connected through the career paths of the managers, a phenomenon we term as the “policy wormhole” effect. With a dyadic panel data set of over 400 Florida cities and panel data set of Chinese provinces, we test these hypotheses with Spatial Autoregressive Models and dyadic Event History Analyses. The results show support for our hypotheses, confirming the diffusion effects through the leadership transfer networks. Cities could facilitate the diffusion of policy innovations through paying special attention to the recruitment process of city managers. 
Speaker's bio:
Hongtao Yi is an associate professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University. His research interests focus on policy process, local governance, energy policy and environmental policy. He published 28 peer-reviewed articles in top journals in the field of public affairs, energy policy and environmental policy, including JPART, PAR, PSJ, PMR, Review of Policy Research, Global Environmental Change, Energy, Energy Policy, Environmental Politics etc. He was awarded the Theodore J Lowi Best Article Award from the Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association for his contribution to the methodological advancement in policy network studies. He has served as manuscript reviewers for more than 70 SSCI/SCI-indexed journals and book prospectus reviewers for Oxford University Press, Elsevier, Palgrave MacMillan and Routledge. He currently serves as an international editor for Fudan Public Administration Review , and guest editor for Sustainability. He also served on the program committee for Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Annual Conferences, and award committees for ASPA, PMRC and APSA. 
