Lecture 33: US Politics in An Age of Disruption

2018/10/4 14:09:36

Topic: US Politics in An Age of Disruption 

Time: October 12th (Friday), 2018, 13:00-15:00 

Location: Room 308, Haoran High-TechBuilding, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (No. 1954 Huashan Road,Xuhui District) 

Sign-Up Link: http://cn.mikecrm.com/iefI5zh 


The surprise election of Donald Trump as US President reflected the impact of major disruptions in US society over the last 50 years. And Trump as president is himself a source of new disruption. This talk will discuss the disruption that Trump represents, and also discuss the status of US-China relations, including the trade war. 

Speaker’s Introduction: 

Dr. Steven Kelman is the Weatherhead Professor of Public Management at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the author of many books and articles on the policymaking process and on improving the management of government organizations. From 1993 through 1997, Dr. Kelman served as Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget and played a lead role in the Clinton administration government reform efforts. In 2010 he was awarded the Gaus Prize by the American Political Science Association for a lifetime of distinguish scholarship in public administration. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He writes a weekly blog called The Lectern, which is regularly one of the most downloaded links on the FCW.com site. He has taught himself fluent Swedish and has written in Swedish for Dagens Nyheter, as well as doing US election commentary for TV4 and Sveriges Radio. He is currently working on teaching himself Chinese.
