Lecture 30: Emotional Labor:What It Is and Why It Matters

2018/6/19 14:17:48

Titel: Emotional Labor:What It Is and Why It MattersGuest 

Speaker:Professor Mary E.Guy

Hosted by Professor Xiaojun LV, SIPA

Time: 10:30-12:00, June 20 (Wed)

Venue: R239, Xin Jian BLDG, Xuhui Campus


Mary Guy is a professor of public administration in the school of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver. Her research and teaching interests focus on the human processes involved in public service delivery. She currently leads a team of researchers who are investigating the everyday work experience of public servants around the globe. Guy is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, former president of ASPA and former editor-in-chief of the Review of Public Personnel Administration.
