Notice for SJTU 3rd Semester Course Choosing

2015/1/27 14:47:54

For the coming 3rd semester (July 1 to July 28), students in our program can choose SJTU summer school offered by SIPA or other school for free. The course chooing job shoule be done before May 17.

Students can login your graduate school system and choose the course from May 7 to May 17. The system will close at May 18.


1. Once you choose the courses in 3rd semester, you may not drop it by yourself but need to give a drop out report to Graduate School to cancel the course.

2. Every course in 3re semester has a student number requirement, courses which do not have required number of students may be cancelled by Graduate School.

3. The result of the 3rd semester's courses may be regarded as "Academic Report" credits or regarded as degree-course credit.


Courses offered by SIPA 2013:

Changing Trend in US-Taiwan Relations.pdf

Development Strategies of Latecomer Countries – A Case Study of China.pdf

US-China Relations and the Taiwan Factor.pdf
