Lecture 36: The variegated role of the state in different gated neighborhoods in

2019/3/7 13:59:11

Topic: The variegated role of the state in different gated neighborhoods in China
Speaker: Dr. Tingting LU, School of International & Public  Affairs, SJTU
Time: 12:00-14:00 PM, March 13th Wednesday
Venue: Room 239, Xin Jian BLDG
Abstract: Housing commodification has led to the development of gated neighbourhoods in China. However, the scope of residential gating includes the neighbourhood of commodity housing, affordable housing, and resettlement housing, and is broader than commonly known ‘gated communities’which are characterised by private governance. Using three cases in the city of Wenzhou, we analyse the motivation of development, service provision and property management, and neighbourhood control. In commodity housing, the state is still visible and self-governance is limited, while the real estate developer has led land development and property management. In affordable housing, the state regulates standards and the prices of services, while the developer is the provider of these services. In resettlement housing, the state uses a state-owned enterprise to relocate households, while homeowners’ associations and service charges are ineffective. All these cases demonstrate the important and variegated roles of the state and provide a more nuanced understanding of these gated neighbourhoods. 
