Jiannan WU

2020/3/13 11:00:28

Dr. Jiannan Wu is Distinguished Professor and Executive Vice Director of China Institute of Urban Governance and Head of Division for Liberal Arts and Social Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. After obtaining his Ph.D. at School of Management at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 1999, he was appointed as a postdoctoral research associate at Center for Technology and Information Policy (CTIP) of Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. He also worked as a Fellow in Ash Center of Harvard Kennedy School in 2012.

Dr. Wu has worked on, performance management, Reform & innovation and Urban governance for years. He has published extensively in Chinese leading Journals and some English work has appeared in Public Administration, International Public Management Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Administration & Society, and Public Management Review. Dr. Wu has served in Editorial Board of International Public Management Journal and several Chinese journals.

Dr. Wu has served as Vice President of National Government Performance Management Research Association of China since 2006, Executive member of Chinese Public Administration Society and other Chinese academic societies.He has served as General Secretary of Asian Association of Public Administration since 2018. He has been peer reviewer for Public Administration、J-PART、IPMJ、JCPA、PPMR、PMR、ROPPA、Cities and so on.
