2020/3/27 15:49:55



Associate Professor

PhD/Master supervisor

Research Areas:
comparative politics, comparative political economy

Contact details:
Address: Room 253, Xin Jian Bldg, No. 1954 Hua Shan Road, Xujiahui, Shanghai 200030, P. R. C


Chao Chen is an associate professor in department of comparative politics at SJTU. He is also a fulltime member of Center for Taiwan Studies. His research interests center around political participation, globalization and local development and qualitative methods of soical sciences. He finishes his PhD at National University of Singapore and has published several articles in Labor History (SSCI), Journal of International Relations and Development (SSCI), New Media & Society (SSCI), Journal of Public Management (CSSCI) and so on. He is also the author of book Toleration: Group Governance in A Chinese Third Line Enterprise (Palgrave Macmillan 2018).

Graduate institution:

National University of Singapore

Selected courses:

Politics of Contemporary China, Qualitative Methods of Social Sciences

Selected publications:  

CHEN Chao, BAI Yu, WAND Rui, “Online Political Efficacy and Political Participation: A Mediation Analysis based on the Evidence from Taiwan”, New Media & Society, 2019, (SSCI top journal, 5-Year Impact Factor 5.267,Rank 1st 2016, 2nd 2018)

CHEN Chao, LI Xiang, “Does Democracy Cause Trade Policy Liberalization? Unpacking the Black Box of Trade Policy”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 2018, 21(4): 1014-1037; (SSCI Q2, Impact Factor 1.661)

CHEN Chao, “Labeled Clanization: the Social Structure in A Third Line Enterprise”, Labor History, 2016, 57(5): 671-694; (SSCI Q2 Impact Factor: 0.725)

CHEN Chao, LI Xiang, “Boolean Causality and Quantitative Association: Two Approaches to the Small-N Comparative Method”, China Public Administration Review, 2019, 30(1): 3-22.

CHEN Chao, “Capital Owners, Corruption and Trade Policy in Less-Developed Countries”, Journal of Fudan University, 2015, 276(1):144-154. 

CHEN Chao, Cai Yicun, “An Interaction-Based Analysis of Social Movement Evolution: A Case Study of Sunflower Movement”, Journal of Public Management, 2016, 13(4): 113-127. 

CHEN Chao, LI Xiang, “Diversity of State Transformation in the Era of Globalization: Lessons from Singapore’s Experience”, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2013, 155 (3): 32-40.
