Call for Papers | The 2020 Annual Conference of the AAPA

2020/7/17 10:00:26

Call for Papers

The 2020 Annual Virtual Conference of the

Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

25th September 2020, Shanghai, China


Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and after several rounds of discussions, the Asian Association for Public Administration has decided to postpone the 2020 AAPA Annual Conference that was to be held from May 28 to 29, 2020 to September 25, 2020 as a virtual conference.

In the first round of Call for Papers, we have attracted around 200 submissions from 20 countries and regions. Accepted abstracts/panels from the first round will be automatically accepted to the 2020 AAPA annual virtual conference. We also welcome new submissions to the virtual conference on all of the listed themes including an added special one on COVID-19.

Today, with an urbanization rate of 50% in Asia, more and more people will be living in urban areas. The rapid urbanization has led to many problems: poverty, income disparity, energy consumption, traffic congestion, and environmental pollution and so forth, especially at this special time facing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept of sustainable development plays an essential role in addressing these challenges by offering a conceptual framework of promoting prosperity and justice to achieve a more sustainable future. Urban governance is critical for achieving sustainable development goals. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore how sustainable development can be promoted. This conference also focuses on the good and best practices of urban governance across cities as well as counties, which may be applicable to other regions. We need to learn from each other by exchanging ideas, sharing best practices, and exploring new theories around the world. The theme of thisyear'sconference is:

“Towards Sustainable Urban Governance in Asia: New Theory and Innovative Practice”

We are interested in soliciting proposals focusing on comparative studies to facilitate interdisciplinary and cross-country dialogue and enrich practice on urban governance in China and other Asian countries. We invite scholars, researchers, policymakers, professionals, and other stakeholders to share their research and best practice on sustainable urban governance and yield practical solutions to challenges facing Asian urban areas.

The submitted papers are suggested to focus on one of the following sub-themes (*The conference has decided to add a special sub-theme on COVID-19):

  • New theoretical development on sustainable urban governance

  • Comparative studies on mega-city governance models

  • Application of sustainable concept to urban governance

  • The use of new technologies to reshape urban governance

  • Inter-jurisdictional and regional collaboration

  • Innovative modes of urban service delivery

  • Cross-sectoral collaboration to address urban challenges

  • Financial suitability in urban governments

  • Governing inclusive and equitable cities

  • Public policy innovations towards sustainable development

  • Aligning urban governance interventions and innovations to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Governance and Public Administration Issues amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

The 2020 AAPA Annual Virtual Conference will be jointly hosted by the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) and China Institute for Urban Governance, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in collaboration with The China-America Association for Public Affairs (CAAPA). The Conference will be held throughZoom Meetingson September 25th, 2020.


Zoom Meeting is a software that is now widely used for reputable international virtual conferences, including International Institute of Administrative Sciences(IIAS) 2020 Conference. Below is a very detailed guidance for using Zoom meetings, please refer to this website install the latest Zoom meeting app in order to attend the 2020 AAPA annual virtual conference.


We particularly encourage the submission of panel proposals on cross-country and cross-region comparative studies.All proposals should be sent as an email attachment A panel will consist of 4-5 presenters, each speaking for approximately 15 minutes, with 10 minutes left for discussion. Panel proposals should include: (1) session title, the chair, his/her institutional affiliation, and the address; (2) panelists and panel abstract including references.

Single Abstracts(no more than 500 words in English) for paper presentations should be submitted through the link you encounter any issue using the website to submit, please directly send your abstract abstracts should include: (1) author(s) name, title, institutional affiliation, and address; (2) contacting information (email and phone); (3) paper title and its sub-theme; and (4) abstract including references. Proposed papers should feature high-quality theoretical, qualitative, or quantitative research. Empirical paper proposals will be evaluated based on the significance and quality of the research question, design, methods, data, and implications. Theoretical paper proposals will be evaluated based on the extent to which the proposal provides insight into a compelling public management subject, identifies foundational assumptions and key concepts, and results in meaningful critiques of accepted theory, asserts guiding propositions or testable hypotheses, or develops helpful conceptual frameworks and research agendas.

After blind review process, letters of acceptance will be sent to authors. Full papers should be sent as an email attachment to no later thanSeptember 15, 2020. The conference committee will review all submitted papers. The AAPA President will presentAkira Nakamura Award, Anthony CheungAwardto the presenter(s) who deliver the paper of the highest quality. Akira Nakamura Award will be granted to graduate students, researchers and scholars and Anthony Cheung Award to practitioners and public officials. To be considered for awards, the author(s) must submit the full paper to the conference organizer by the due date and complete the registration form. More details can be found at DATES

Abstract/Panel Proposal Submission Deadline: August 5, 2020

Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors: August 15, 2020

Online Registration:August 25, 2020

Final Paper Submission Deadline: September 15, 2020

Conference Check-in: September 24, 2020

Conference Date: September 25, 2020

All presenters must register for the conference in order to have their presentation scheduled in the conference program.


*There will be no registration fees for the 2020 AAPA Annual Virtual Conference.

Conference Venue and Accommodation:

The main conference and the parallel sessions will be held online through Zoom Meetings. More detailed information about the specific Zoom Meeting Room will be available in due course.

For conference-related matters, please contact:

2020 AAPA Conference Local Committee

For AAPA membership-related general matters, please contact:

Mr. Jeong Ho Yoo (Executive Secretary of AAPA) or Mr. Mingil Kim (Secretary of AAPA) in the AAPA Secretariat (
