Xiaoqian SONG

2020/9/29 15:51:42


Xiaoqian SONG

Research Fellow

Research Areas:
Resource and environmental management

Contact details:
Email: songxq@sjtu.edu.cn


Xiaoqian Song is research fellow on resource and environmental management Studies, at the China Urban Governance Institution(CUGI), of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She finished her post doctor career in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and obtained a PhD in University of Science and Technology, Beijing. She held B.A. in Management from Xi’an University of Science and Technology, China.

Her current research interests include low-carbon transition policy decision-making of resource-based cities in China, strategical resource management, urban Governance, trash management, China’s energy diplomacy, China’s climate change policy, and climate change governance. etc. 

Dr Song has been invited to deliver presentations at numerous conferences and workshops organized by government think tanks, She was invited as Visiting Scholar at the Dundee University of UK in 2011, and served as a visiting researcher at the National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES) of Japan.

Graduate institution:

University of Science and Technology, Beijing 

Selected publications:  

[1] Xiaoqian Song,Xiaoyi Mu. 2013. The safety regulation of small-scale coal mines in China: Analyzing the interests and influences of stakeholders. Energy Policy. 52(1): 472-481. (SCI一区,IF: 4.039)
[2] Song, X., Geng, Y*., Dong, H., & Chen, W. 2018. Social network analysis on industrial symbiosis: a case of gujiao eco-industrial park. Journal of Cleaner Production. 193:414-423.(SCI一区,IF: 5.651)
[3] Song, X., Geng, Y*., Li,K.,Zhang,X., Pan, H.,Zhang, Y., Does Environmental Infrastructure Investment Contribute to Emissions Reduction? A case of China. Frontiers in Energy(SCI四区,IF: 1.701)
[4] Ali, M., Marvuglia, A., Geng, Y., Robins, D., Pan, H., Song, X., Yu, Z., Sun, H., 2019. Accounting emergy-based sustainability of crops production in India and Pakistan over first decade of the 21st century. Journal of Cleaner Production. 207: 111-112.(IF: 5.651)
[5] Pan, H., Geng, Y*., Tian, X., Wilson, J., Chen, W., Zhong, S., Song, X., 2019. Emergy-based environmental accounting of one mining system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26: 14598-14615. (IF: 3.14)
[6] Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Chen, L., Wang, X., Song, X., Li, K., 2019. Energy-related CO2 emission peaking target and pathways for China's city: A case study of Baoding City. Journal of Cleaner Production 226, 471-481. (IF: 5.651)
[7] Song X.*. 2012. A new approach about circular economy assessment in coal industrial park, Energy Education Science and Technology. 30(SI-1):1087-1092. (EI: 20134116844373)
[8] Song X. *,Li Z.. 2011.The Method of Material Flow Analysis about Circular Economy in Coal Mining Area. Advanced Materials Research. (347 - 353): 1549-1553. (EI: 20114514489926)
[9] Song X. *,Li Z.. 2012. Modified Index System for Eco-Efficiency Evaluation of Circular Economy in Economy in Coal Mining Area Based on Network Flow Analysis, Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 13(7):1-9. (EI:20123215329658)
[10] 王英博, 马菁, 宋晓倩. 基于最优投影的半监督谱聚类算法[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2018, 35(1).(CSCD)
[11] 宋晓倩.煤炭矿区循环经济系统的社会网络拓扑分析,中国煤炭,2013,11.
[12] 席旭东,宋晓倩.矿区生态产业链集成及其优化分析,煤炭学报,2011,36(7): 1237-1242. 
[13] 肖亚宁,宋华岭,宋晓倩,东西部煤炭企业资源整合的路径选择,中国矿业,2011,20(3),15-19
[14] Xie,M.,Song,X.*. Does cultural “going-out” contribute to capital “going-out”?: Evidence from HSK tests and Confucius Institutes data. International Review of Economics and Finance(IF: 1.432)(On the Way)
[15] Xie,M.,Song,X.*. Why does “Hallyu” Change into “Cold Flow”: Trade Impact of Theater High Altitude Area Defense Event . Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (IF: 0.934) (On the Way)
