PUM6305 China’s Economic Policy

2020/10/9 10:07:28


In this course we use the basic micro, macro and regional economics tools to better understand the contemporary Chineseeconomy. The course provides a broad survey of economics as applied to the analysis of the Chinese economy and evaluation of economic policies. The focus of the course is theapplication of economic theories of incentives, institutions, markets, and economic development, to develop students’ critical thinking and rigorous analytical expertise. The Chineseeconomy policy provides the venue for the application of these economic tools.

The class will first present the foundational idea of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the principle behind the successful stories of Chinese economy growth, especially post the “Reform and Opening-up” since 1979, with s GDP per capita multiplied by over 30. Also, the course will discuss how China became the world manufacturing powerhouse, the challenges of the next stage of development, the policies to address various externalities associated with the economic growth. Apart from theclass lectures, you will need to complete the required reading, submit 2 individual essays,present one group research paper.
