PUM8303 China’s Social Welfare Policies and Practices

2020/10/9 10:13:19


Social welfare policies and practices is a mirror of the relationship between state and people. China’s social welfare policies have witnessed vast changes in the past more than half a century, and a course in introducing the dynamic process and revealing the internal logic therein will provide a desirable angle for foreign students to understand China, as well as foster their critical thinking as with the existing frameworks in analyzing Chinese society and policy process.

This course is divided into two major sections, namely 1) the welfare policy introduction and analysis and 2) the welfare policy implementation mechanism analysis. The welfare policies covered include: pension, medical insurance, social assistance, housing, and migrant children welfare. Four guest speakers will be invited to talk about related topics, including doctor-patient conflicts, gender equality, housing and intimate relationship, and NGOs and migrant children welfare.
