PUM8302 Gender, society and social policy

2020/10/9 10:14:42


The course isdesignedforpostgraduatestudentswhoareinterestedingender and policy studies in China. No specific prerequisites are required.

Since the reform and open-up in 1978, dramatic transformations can be witnessed in China not only in economic and political realms, but also in gender relations. This course provides an overview over gender- and policy-related issues and debates in contemporary China from an interdisciplinary perspective, predominantly drawing on literature from social policy, gender studies, and sociology. Although having a strong focus on contemporary China, the course has a comparative perspective by drawing on other Asian countries and Anglo American cases.

The uniqueness, diversity, complexity and contradiction of gender issues make them worthwhile to explore. The course will unpack these issues and debates with an emphasis of social inequality in relation to the interplay of gender and social policy. The course intends to provide an overview of theoretical and empirical knowledge on these topics of contemporary significance.

Learning outcomes

1.An overview over gender-related social issues and policies in contemporary China

2.The ability to provide critical analysis over these debates with a gender perspective

3.Ability to present critical arguments in both verbal and written forms
