China-CEEC International Academic Forum

2020/11/17 13:19:30

2020年11月18日(周三),北京时间15:00 – 19:30 | 索菲亚时间9:00-13:30

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020; 9:00 – 13:30 EET | 15:00 – 19:30 CST

参与方式  How to Participate


This forum will take place both online (via Zoom) and on campus at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xin Jian Building Conference Room.

线上会议信息 Virtual Conference Information

会议ID963 006 43242

Zoom Meeting ID: 963 006 43242


Meeting Password: 457810

参会要求以及备注  Conference Requirements and Additional Information


Please note this meeting requires formal attire and real name for attendance. Please also note the meeting will be conducted entirely in English.

主办方 Co-Sponsors

承办方 Organizers


Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU)


University of National and World Economy (UNWE)


SJTU Bulgarian Center


SJTU School of International and Public Affairs

会议议程 Conference Schedule

1.       欢迎辞 Welcome Remarks


Host: Wenning JIANG, Party Secretary of SIPA, SJTU

15:00-15:15  Dimitar Pampoulov,保加利亚驻沪总领事

Dimitar Pampoulov,Consul General

15:15-15:30  徐学敏,上海交通大学副校长

Prof. Xuemin XU, SJTU Vice President

15:30-15:45  Dimitar Dimitrov, 保加利亚国民与世界经济大学校长

Dimitar Dimitrov, UNWE President

2.       主旨演讲 Keynote Speeches

15:45-16:10 主旨演讲:中国与中东欧的发展趋势

Keynote Speech: China-CEEC Cooperation Future


Speaker: Ping HUANG, President of Chinese Society of World Politics Studies, former Director-General of Institute of European Studies at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; former Chairman of China-CEEC think tank network

3.       学术论坛  Parallel Panel Sessions 16:15 – 19:30

          i.     中国与中东欧的未来合作关系走向 Future Cooperation between China and Central Eastern European Countries


Host: Hongsong LIU, IR Department of SIPA, SJTU

会议ID:963 006 43242

Meeting ID: 963 006 43242


Meeting Password: 457810

          ii.     中国-中东欧乡村振兴与城市融合发展Rural Revitalization and Urban Rural Integration in China and Central Eastern European Countries


Hrabrin Bachev, 保加利亚普罗迪夫农业大学

Host: Shengquan CHE, Assistant Dean at SJTU School of Design

          Hrabrin Bachev, Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia

会议ID:954 781 96383

Meeting ID: 954 781 96383


Meeting Password:755181

      iii.     “一带一路”倡议与中保经济关系 The Belt and Road Initiative and the Bulgarian-Chinese Economic Relations

主持人: Paskal ZHELEV, 保加利亚国民经济大学国际经济与政策学院副院长

Host: Paskal ZHELEV, Assistant Dean at School of International Economics and Policy, UNWE

会议ID:985 687 90047

Meeting ID: 985 687 90047


Meeting Password:860429

       iv.     国际文化交流新战略 New Strategies for International Cultural Exchange


Host: Prof. Jialin LIU, Assistant Dean at SJTU School of Humanities

会议ID:996 121 26903

Meeting ID: 996 121 26903


Meeting Password:457600
