Haozhi PAN

2021/11/16 17:13:34


Haozhi PAN

Assistant Professor

MA supervisor 

Research Areas:
Urban Governance, Regional Economics, Urban Informatics, Digital Governance, Carbon Neutrality

Contact details:
E-mail: panhaozhi@sjtu.edu.cn


Haozhi Pan works on combining regional economics and spatial data science methods for understanding how cities can achieve economic growth and digital smartness, as well as co-governance goals including carbon neutrality and citizen participation. He received Bachelor of Engineering from Tongji University, a Master degree in Statistics and a PhD in Regional Planning from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Pan has worked for Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), where he made or operated several regional economic tools for Chicago and Illinois, including socioeconomic forecast 2050, Regional Econometric Input-Output Models, Business Activity Index, and also served as an associate director of Landuse Evolution and Environment Impact Assessment Modeling Laboratory. His contribution in modeling urban land use structure was the most cited paper in the journal Regional Science and Urban Economics (70: 215-228) in 2017-2018 according to Journal Citation Report 2020. In addition, Pan’s research on the interactions between GHG emissions and urban development was reported as a highlighted research piece by the 2020 Annual Report of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Ambio 49: 1313-1327). 

Graduate institution:

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Selected courses:

PUM-6305 China's Economic Policy
PUM-2450 Spatial Data Science
PUM-3457 Econometrics

Selected publications:  

(1) Pan, H., Yang, T,*, Jin, Y., Dall'Erba, S. & Hewings, G. (2021). Understanding Heterogeneous Spatial Production Externalities as a Missing Link between Land Use Planning and Urban Economic Futures. Regional Studies 55: 90-100 (Top 1% cited according to Essential Science Indicators)
Pan, H. , Page, J., Zhang, L., Cong, C., Ferreira, C., Jonsson, E., Näsström, H., Destouni, G., Deal, B., Kalantari, Z.* (2020). Understanding interactions between urban development policies and GHG emissions: A case study in Stockholm Region. Ambio. 49, 1313–1327 (Top 1% cited according to Essential Science Indicators, highlighted research piece according to the Annual Report 2020 of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sicences)
Yang, T., Pan, H.*, Hewings, G., & Jin, Y. (2019). Understanding urban sub-centers with heterogeneity in agglomeration economies—Where do emerging commercial establishments locate? Cities, 86, 25-36 (Top 1% cited according to Essential Science Indicators)
Pan, H. *, Zhang, L., Cong, C., Deal, B., Wang, Y. (2019). A Dynamic and Spatially Explicit Modeling Approach to Identify the Ecosystem Service Implications of Complex Urban Systems Interactions. Ecological Indicators. 102, 426-436 (Top 0.1% and 1% cited according to Essential Science Indicators)
Pan, H. *, Deal, B., Chen, Y., Hewings, G. (2018). A Reassessment of urban structure and land-use patterns: distance to CBD or network-based? — Evidence from Chicago. Regional Science and Urban Economics 70: 215-228. (Top 0.1% and 1% cited according to Essential Science Indicators, the most cited paper in 2017-2018 in the journal according to the Journal Citation Report 2020)

Expertise & public engagement:

Research Associate: China Institute for Urban Governance, Center for Housing and Urban-Rual Development;
Guest Editor: Environment and Planning-B, Journal of Urban Technology, Science of Total Environment, Anthropocene
