Professor LV Xiaojun published article in the International Public Management Journal

2022/6/30 15:51:26

Recently, Professor LV Xiaojun from the School of International and Public Affairs, together with her Ph.D. students Fan Yangyang and Emily C. Blalock, jointly published the paper "A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Public Service Motivation and Individual Job Performance: Cross-validating the Effect of Culture” in the International Public Management Journal, an important international journal in public management research field.

Public Service Motivation (PSM) is a hot topic in the field of global public management research and practice, and it is particularly necessary to explore the influence mechanism of culture on the PSM effect. This study conducted a meta-analytic examination on the relationship between PSM and individual job performance in a cross-cultural context. Based on 40 correlations in 34 separate studies among 12 countries/regions, the findings support the positive relationship between PSM and individual job performance. The relationship is more robust in cultures with higher power distance than the lower counterparts, and results were mutually verified by Hofstede’s model and GLOBE model.

Professor LV Xiaojun and her team focus on the field of public organizational behavior and human resource management, and have presided over a number of important research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund and the Humanities and Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education.
