Lecture 5: Social Change in Western and Eastern Societies

2015/1/27 14:17:23

Lecture 5: Social Change in Western and Eastern Societies            Jan . 27 . 2015

"Social Change in Western and Eastern Societies: Palimpsest vs. Segmentation." 

Liah Greenfeld
Professor of Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology
Boston University

Friday, November 23, 2012
14:00pm –16:00 pm, room 3005, SIPA, Xinjian Building, SJTU.

Liah Greenfeld is, without exaggeration, one of the foremost and most influential scholars of nationalism alive today. After having taught at the University of Chicago and Harvard University, she is currently Professor of Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology at Boston University. Professor Greenfeld is author of Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity(1992), which compares the national identities of England, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States, and has been hugely influential in Political Science and Sociology alike. With the publication of this work, she emerged as a preeminent authority on nationalism, a distinction reinforced by the publication of The Spirit of Capitalism: Nationalism and Economic Growth(2001). Greenfeld has been widely published on questions of art, economics, history, language and literature, philosophy, politics, religion, and science, and has studied the cultures of England/Britain, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia/Soviet Union, and America. Professor Greenfeld received her doctoral degree from the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1982, and her work on nationalism has been translated into 10 languages.
