Lecture 12: Digital Nationalism in Chinese Online Networks

2015/1/27 14:56:03

Lecture 12: Digital Nationalism in Chinese Online Networks                                                    Jan . 27 . 2015

“Digital Nationalism in Chinese Online Networks”

主讲嘉宾 (Guest Speaker)Florian SCHNEIDER, Lecturer, Politics of Modern China at the Leiden University Institute of Area Studies and managing editor of the academic journal Asiascape: Digital Asia

主持人 (Moderator): 白永辉教授 (Jean-Marc F. Blanchard), 上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院院长助理和教授; 跨国公司研究中心执行主任 (Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of International and Public Affairs Assistant Dean and Professor; Executive Director, Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations)

时间 (time):2013年10月18日(Friday/周五)下午13点30分至15点钟

地点 (location):新建楼3005 (大会议室)

主讲人简介 (Bio): Dr. Schneider received his PhD at Sheffield University.  He is the author of Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series.  His research interests include questions of governance, political communication, and public administration in China, as well as international relations in the East-Asian region.  A recent project has dealt with staged mass-media events in mainland China, such as the Beijing Olympics, the 60th Anniversary of the PRC, and the Shanghai Expo.  Currently, he is conducting a three-year research project titled "Digital Nationalism in China", funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), in which he analyses how Sino-Japanese relations are presented and discussed in Chinese online networks.

讲座内容简介 (Abstract):With more internet users than Europe has residents, the Chinese digital sphere is rapidly becoming a highly diverse network of expression, discussion, and contestation.  In digital China, networked actors ranging from state agencies and Chinese Communist Party organizations to private netizens, engage in highly active online communication, thereby influencing public discourse. Yet as diverse as this discourse may be, political content on the Chinese web is clustered around a small number of recurring themes.  One central online political discourse is nationalism, and a prominent topic in this discourse is Sino-Japanese history, which extends to present-day current affairs, such as ongoing territorial disputes.  During my talk, I will introduce my current research project “Digital Nationalism in China” and present my preliminary findings about how the 1937 Nanjing Massacre and the ongoing Diaoyu Island dispute are presented in contemporary Chinese online networks.  My project asks: How do networked actors use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to shape nationalist discourse in the China vis-à-vis Japan as a foreign Other?  Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, including digital tools, this presentation explores how different actors are linked together online, and how interest groups and individuals use digital infrastructures to shape public discourse on national history.


随着中国网民的数量超过欧洲居民,中国数字领域迅速崛起成为一个高度多样化,并且可以进行表达、讨论的网络平台。在这个数字平台上,网络参与者涉及党政机关人员和普通网民,他们非常活跃,并且不断影响着公共话语表达.  然而由于话语表达的多样性,中国的网络政治内容只在现行主要话题讨论中占一小部分。而民主主义正是这小部分网络政治议题的中心,尤其突出的是中日两国历史问题,如目前网络热议的钓鱼岛争端。

在这次报告中,Florian Schneider(石若剑)将介绍他目前负责的项目:中国数字民族主义。他将会讨论研究的第一阶段成果,即1937年南京大屠杀和目前的钓鱼岛争端是怎么在当代中国网络中展现出来的。内容涵盖以下问题:网民是如何使用信息和通信技术(ICT)在中国塑造民族主义的话语,抵制日本构建从而自己的民族主义话语?基于定量和定性分析,并通过运用数字化工具,他将探索网络是如何把不同的网民们联系在一起、既得利益集团和个人是怎么利用数字基础设施来构建公共话语从而塑造国家历史。


Florian Schneider于英国谢菲尔德大学获得博士学位。现为荷兰莱顿大学区域研究所讲师,主要研究当代中国政治。他的研究领域为:中国政府问题、政治传播、公共管理以及东亚地区国际关系。研究过的项目有中国大陆大众媒体事件宣传,包括北京奥运、60周年国庆、上海世博会等。目前他正在负责由荷兰科学研究组织(NWO)资助的“中国数字民族主义”项目。该项目时长为三年,主要研究在线网络如何展现和讨论中日关系。他的个人专著有《中国热播电视系列片的视觉政治宣传》。同时他还担任学术期刊Asiascape: Digital Asia《亚洲景观:数字亚洲》的主编。
